Restoration list projects


This gallery contains 7 photos.

Villa Carlo Alberto al Quirinale Villa S.Andrea al Quirinale Villa Lais Parco Savello (Giardino degli aranci) Villa Torlonia Villa Sciarra-area del Ninfeo Villa Carpegna-area del Ninfeo Giardino dei Cedrati in villa Pamphilj Villa Borghese e giardino del lago  The redevelopment considered … Continue reading

Respighi’s Soundtrack for Rome

Did you know that Rome has a soundtrack? It’s true! È vero!

In 1924, Italian composer Ottorino Respighi wrote the symphonic poem Pines of Rome to honour his adopted city and celebrate how our glorious Mediterranean pines are important to our culture.

Respighi was born in Bologna, Italy, but he had a deep love for The Eternal City. Along with Pines of Rome, he wrote Fontane di Roma (Fountains of Rome) and Feste Romane (Roman Festivals), which together form what is known by some as his “Roman Trilogy”.

The inspiration for Respighi's Pines of Rome

I pini famosi di Roma

You can learn more and hear clips on Wikipedia here.

You’ll find a clip of a good performance on YouTube here.